What’s the Weather Like In Your City?

Cincinnati’s local NBC news provides viewers with a customizable weather dashboard. Look up your city, drag and drop the different modules, and look at the weather from your neck of the woods. Unfortunately, it only really shows extensive details for Cincinnati. The dashboard seems to just show regular weather forecasts for other cities. At least I know that there are 79 schools closed today in Cincinnati.

[Thanks, Kevin]


  • it’s a bit hard on the eyes, but the dashboard concept can be really useful to display such information. The ads are kinda annoying though.

  • The one you showed must be a standard package, because that is exactly what BostonChannel.com looks like as well. Same widgety, faux Web 2.0 feel. I could probably forgive the design if I could get to the information I wanted to see easily, however that is not the case.

  • For once, Cincinnati gets a little attention for something other than inspidity. +)

  • I think I smell a weather project coming on