
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Graphs from 1900 that depict a snapshot of African American life

In 1900, W. E. B. Du Bois and his students drew a series…

One square mile in different cities

As part of his dissertation, Geoff Boeing generated these maps that show one…

Sharing the same traits and qualities

[arve url=””/] My son used to watch Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood (a modern take…

How much the US imports from Mexico

Most goods imported from Mexico are untaxed under the North American Free Trade…

Teaching materials for visualization

Enrico Bertini, who has taught information visualization at New York University for the…

How different languages represent van Gogh

Christian Laesser takes an abstract look at how different languages represent Vincent van…

Demographics for immigrants from banned countries

As I’m sure you know, the current administration banned immigrants from seven countries…

Emotional arcs for inaugural addresses

Inaugural addresses come in different flavors, with different messages and purpose. Periscopic passed…

Public versus experts, gun control

With this scatterplot, Quoctrung Bui and Margo Sanger-Katz for The Upshot describe where…

Immersive digital waves to visualize nature

[arve url=””/] FLOW is an interactive art installation by Maotik that represents real-time…

Language in 2016, seen through Google Search Trends

People go to Google to find information about things, and when new words…

Mixing cartography and landscape drawing

Artist Matthew Rangel hikes cross-country and through the mountains, exploring and drawing along…

Draw the patterns of Obama’s presidency

A couple of years back The New York Times asked readers to draw…

History of data visualization

I have an affinity for new things designed as old things, so this…

Balloon maps

There was a time when the best way to get a view from…

National Geographic Infographics, the book

Infographics devolved a bit in recent years, but there was a time the…

Going local on gun violence

Sometimes data can look really noisy when you zoom in close, and so…

Football catches visualized

It’s always fun to go back to sports articles and graphics that were…