
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Airbnb occupancy along the eclipse path

Maybe you heard there’s a total eclipse happening today. AirDNA mapped Airbnb occupancy…

Wind flows displayed with spinning paddles

Joanie Lemercier used a grid of spinning paddles that turn with the wind.…

Conway’s Game of Hope

Alexander Miller wrote a “fable of emergence” that combines Conway’s Game of Life…

Mapping NBA basketball shots

Alasdair Rae outlines the basics of visualizing basketball shot data with QGIS, an…

Using satellite imagery to tell stories

Satellite imagery on its own can be limited in what it can say…

Interactive timeline of notable people throughout history

This is a fun project by Jan Willem Tulp. Based on data from…

Visualizing the statistical connections behind ChatGPT

To gain a better understanding of how ChatGPT works under the hood, Santiago…

Conway’s Game of Life with a third dimension

Alec Singh added another dimension to Conway’s Game of Life for a pretty,…

Happiness ratings, by country and age

The World Happiness Report, published each year since 2012, just dropped for 2024.…

Birding and data visualization

Jer Thorp has combined birding and data visualization into a unique course called…

Visual guide to airfoils

Bartosz Ciechanowski is at it again with an in-depth explainer that makes heavy…

Mile-by-mile map along the path of totality

On April 8, 2024, the moon is going to completely block the sun…

Maps in the wild

For the New York Times, Eve Kahn describes the use of maps outside…

Racial bias in OpenAI GPT resume rankings

AI is finding its way into the HR workflow to sift through resumes.…

Diversity in college admissions without considering race

For NYT’s The Upshot, Aatish Bhatia and Emily Badger model how colleges might…

Defining the greatest albums of all time

Rolling Stone published a list in 2003 that ranked the 500 greatest albums…

Mapping the crops with the most potential in a changing climate

The climate is changing, which means some crops will fair better or worse…

Analysis of when movies use their own names in the dialogue

A title drop is when a movie mentions its own name during the…