Google Has a Charting API Too Now

Yahoo: Look Google, I’ve got a Flash charts API now. I make it easier for people to plot their data, and look, pretty colors.

Google: So what. Look what I’ve got. I have URL-based chart creation with fun, cartoon-ish Google colors. My API is way easier, and plus, since I’m Google, everyone will use my API and not yours.

Y: Why are you so mean to me? We both have two O’s in our name. Can’t we be friends?

G: No. That’s right, you heard me. I’m better. Now kiss my feet.

Sigh, poor Yahoo. Right after Yahoo released their flash-based charting API, Google proudly announces a super simple charting API of their own. The idea is very straightforward. It all starts with the URL and from there

  1. Add parameters to URL
  2. Link to URL as an image

That’s it.

For example, this URL×225&chd=s:helloWorld&cht=lc&chxt=x,y&

gives you

You have the usual options of line, bar, pie, venn, and scatter; and you can change the colors, labels, size, etc.

With all the charting available, could this be a sign that data is becoming more popular?

[via Blogoscoped]