New York Times fills poll tracking gap left by FiveThirtyEight shutdown

FiveThirtyEight is gone, and along with its visualization-centric projects, so is their poll tracking that they and others used to analyze public sentiment. The New York Times is picking up the baton:

As one half of the Times/Siena College poll, which has been recognized as one of the country’s premier pollsters, we believe there’s value in an individual poll. But we also think aggregating polls and providing analysis of them collectively, as we did during last year’s election, is a service worth preserving — one that may be needed even more today with the profusion of polling, contradictory findings and loud partisan voices.

We’re building on the work of the politics website 538, which for several years released this data as a public service until it was shuttered by ABC News this month, and which itself followed in the path of at The Huffington Post. Our goal is to ensure that this resource, which is a foundational tool for many journalists and researchers, remains updated long-term. The data will be made available free for anybody to use as they wish, so long as they provide attribution to The Times. (If you’re still using data collected by 538, you may still need to give it attribution as well.)

They’re starting with presidential approval ratings.