From the Winnipeg Sun. Something isn’t right here. [via]
I see the problem. Looks like the “no” wedge is really on showing 26%. Rookie mistake.
I’d have thought Benoce’s halftime show would be more popular.
73% of respondents think Yes – that “What” was the best part of the Superbowl.
First, no pie chart is amazing. Second, no graph depicting a single number is amazing. With that said, it is humorous in that the title is obviously wrong.
Here are some quality contributions from our top paper in Melbourne, Australia
*laughs, then cries*
This made me chuckle, but Erik Jacobsen’s spot on identification of the problem made me laugh out loud.
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Only 15 people have done it, since you know, it’s not really easy to do. Here’s how and when they did it.
The way that people get around can say a lot about how a place is made up. Here’s an interactive map that shows how people get to work in America.
See how your college’s selectivity ranks against the rest.
Here are the estimates from the Current Population Survey for the most recent time segment between 2017 and 2018.
I see the problem. Looks like the “no” wedge is really on showing 26%. Rookie mistake.
I’d have thought Benoce’s halftime show would be more popular.
73% of respondents think Yes – that “What” was the best part of the Superbowl.
First, no pie chart is amazing. Second, no graph depicting a single number is amazing. With that said, it is humorous in that the title is obviously wrong.
Here are some quality contributions from our top paper in Melbourne, Australia
*laughs, then cries*
This made me chuckle, but Erik Jacobsen’s spot on identification of the problem made me laugh out loud.