Vulture plotted Meryl Streep’s character faces on a cold-warm, frivolous-serious scatterplot. Sure, why not.
Oh come on, Nathan! He could have added “Oscar nominated” as a third dimension!
Would work actually… solid yellow outline around the black dots for oscar nominated, solid yellow dot for oscar winning.
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For no particular reason on this particular day, here are spinners to try your hand at random everyday things with even odds. Good luck.
Higher income usually means more childcare, and lower income usually means less.
Every day is a bit different, but here is a wideout view of how Americans spend their days. Compare with your own time use.
Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots and lots and lots. Rest. Then …
Oh come on, Nathan! He could have added “Oscar nominated” as a third dimension!
Would work actually… solid yellow outline around the black dots for oscar nominated, solid yellow dot for oscar winning.