Vulture plotted Meryl Streep’s character faces on a cold-warm, frivolous-serious scatterplot. Sure, why not.
Oh come on, Nathan! He could have added “Oscar nominated” as a third dimension!
Would work actually… solid yellow outline around the black dots for oscar nominated, solid yellow dot for oscar winning.
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This is who marries whom, based on what one does for a living.
This is a 24-hour snapshot for a day in the life of Americans.
Here are the major sports drawn at the same scale to help appreciate the differences between field and court sizes.
As of September 2018, there were 892 million comments for the year so far, spread out over 355,939 subreddits. Here’s how it got to this point, and “what the internet has been talking about” during the past 12 years.
Oh come on, Nathan! He could have added “Oscar nominated” as a third dimension!
Would work actually… solid yellow outline around the black dots for oscar nominated, solid yellow dot for oscar winning.