Make Thematic Maps With Cartographer.js

Like it or not, Google Maps mashups continue to be a Web favorite. It’s just so easy to use. Stick a few lines of javascript in your web page, and voila, you’ve got an interactive map. That’s for point-wise data though. It gets a little trickier beyond “you are here” pointers. Cartographic.js, in its first release, aims to make thematic mapping with the Google Maps API easier.

The above is a bubble map for Twitter user locations, and below is a simple choropleth demo.

choropleth with cartographer.js

There’s nothing earth-shattering here, but the above only required a couple lines of code, which I think is something every developer likes to hear.


  • Looks good for an early release. These maps are becoming more and more popular as the foundation for influential presentations.
    I have fallen in love with FortiusOne’s thematic and analytical maps. They made map creation elegantly simple and fun to do.

  • Very nice. Now, make it work at the county level and my prayers will be answered.

  • And theses choropleth maps have all the same disadvantage : the size, colour etc. of indicator depends on the size of the area it is to show. So, the wealth of Luxembourg is less important than the one of Greenland.
    A basic error that would stop you from passing any first year cartographer/geographer course. But great news on the internet.