Area Codes in Which Ludacris Claims to Have Hoes

I thought this map was amusing. As you can see, Mr. Bridges prefers those in the southeast and northeast according to his 2001 hit single, Area Codes in which he raps about all the female friends he has made.
This is yet another example of the ubiquity of data. If you can find hoe data in Ludacris’ Area Codes, you can find data anywhere. Here’s the large version of the above map. By the way, I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone with this hoe data. Hoe data.
[via Strange Maps]
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Could you overlay this with some data on drive-by shootings, crack use, births out of wedlock, or STDs? Might as well do the whole gansta rap.
that might be a fun contest, eh?
Can I assume that you’ve seen this even less safe for work teasure trove?
Nice. I was going to recommend this to Strange Maps, but someone beat me to it.
I’ve been listening to Ludacris since he was merely Rediculis.
@mikeanderson Ludacris isn’t a “gangster” rapper. There are a multitude of differences within Hip-Hop that you white folks refuse to acknowledge.
Somehow, my mind wanders to the great Wilt Chamberlain. Now, his girlfriend map would be much more difficult.
Mel – or it might be easier. just make a map that’s all red, and that should do it.