Yahoo: Look Google, I’ve got a Flash charts API now. I make it easier for people to plot their data, and look, pretty colors.
Google: So what. Look what I’ve got. I have URL-based chart creation with fun, cartoon-ish Google colors. My API is way easier, and plus, since I’m Google, everyone will use my API and not yours.
Y: Why are you so mean to me? We both have two O’s in our name. Can’t we be friends?
G: No. That’s right, you heard me. I’m better. Now kiss my feet.
Sigh, poor Yahoo. Right after Yahoo released their flash-based charting API, Google proudly announces a super simple charting API of their own. The idea is very straightforward. It all starts with the URL and from there
- Add parameters to URL
- Link to URL as an image
That’s it.
For example, this URL×225&chd=s:helloWorld&cht=lc&chxt=x,y&
gives you
You have the usual options of line, bar, pie, venn, and scatter; and you can change the colors, labels, size, etc.
With all the charting available, could this be a sign that data is becoming more popular?
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Nice writeup ;)
Sometimes, I just can’t help but feel sorry for Yahoo.