If major environmental disasters happened in your neighborhood…

When major environmental disasters occur, thousands of people are often affected, but it’s hard to put it all in perspective when it’s not actually happening to you. When the BP oil spill was in full force we saw this simple mashup that placed the oil blob over your area. In the natural iteration to that, BBC Dimensions maps the outcome of other environmental disasters in your neighborhood, including Chernobyl explosion, the 2010 Pakistan floods, and Bhopal chemical accident. Enter your location, and put things into perspective.



  • It broke my heart to see how the oil spill was hurting the environment. The oil-covered birds and fish were an embarrassment to us all as human beings. We are responsible for taking care of the only planet we’ve got to live on. It’s a crime to see us all fall short. It could lead to a crime to our detriment. Someone has to save us from us.

  • It would be cool if the map, extracted the local IP site and then “localized” the event. imagine if all apps had a “relevance” tag from flood plains etc. so that people could understand the physical scale and scope of large events.