
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

3-D chart for economy’s future

People like to poke fun at 3-D charts, mostly because they don’t work…

Abortion policies, over time and by state

For a class project, Katie Kowalsky, Dylan Moriarty, and Robin Tolochko examined changes…

Equality for women and girls, 20-year report

In their continued work on the No Ceilings project, Fathom describes the current…

NCAA tournament bracket predictions

March Madness starts this week in the states, which means it’s time for…

Wearable data objects that represent air pollution

For the most part, air pollution is invisible, so Stefanie Posavec and Miriam…

Bivariate choropleth how-to

Your standard choropleth map shows geographic areas colored by a single variable. You’re…

Find the fastest flight between airports

Flight arrival and departure times are often thought of in terms of “on…

Health data breaches and fines

Sisi Wei and Charles Ornstein for ProPublica highlight reported data breaches to the…

Decline of workers’ compensation

Workers’ Compensation, a promise to pay medical bills and some of your wages…

Girl Scout cookies differ by region

The Girl Scouts, known for their annual cookie sales, uses two bakers. These…

On Broadway shows city life through data cross-sections

On Broadway, by Daniel Goddemeyer, Moritz Stefaner, Dominikus Baur, and Lev Manovich, provides…

Face sculptures using DNA from chewed gum

In her 2012 piece Stranger Visions, Heather Dewey-Hagborg used DNA found in public…

Best time to visit DMV

I think there are people who still go to the Department of Motor…

Probably not a heat map

A heat map is a grid of numbers colored by value. I wrote…

Texas hold ’em win probabilities

Software engineer Chris Beaumont visualized the strength of opponent hands in Texas hold…

Gambler’s perspective on sports team win probabilities

Michael Beuoy’s win probability model plotted on FiveThirtyEight starts all NBA teams at…

Every NBA team’s chances of winning, by game minute

Michael Beuoy made a win probability model for NBA teams and games, based…

Identifying cheaters in test results, a simple method

Jonathan Dushoff had issues with students in his population biology class cheating on…