The Most Efficient Way to Type

Are you using the most efficient typing technique or are your fingers jumping all over the keyboard? If it’s the latter, I implore you – there is a better way. Your arms don’t have to be tired after typing for ten minutes, and you just might finish that novel before the end of the decade. See these finger movement diagrams form Weather Sealed if you don’t believe me.

The above shows the amount of finger movement with the two-fingered peck. The thicker the line, the more your fingers travel to and from the end points.

Here’s the diagram for touch typing, the beginner technique that you learn from Mavis Beacon. You always return to that home row in the middle.

Forget the return home, and you’re a typing wizard.

See the diagrams for all the other techniques over on Weather Sealed.

In other news, I just found out Mavis Beacon isn’t even a real person. What the heck? I feel cheated.

[Thanks, Steve]