Feòrag NicBhrìde provides a handy map on how to say beer in European countries. This is important. [via Boing Boing]
Terrible use of colors but otherwise a VERY important data set.
Very important if you want to *write* the word for beer… But certainly a map idea whose time has come
That’s all we need to know about linguistics, right there. :)
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“So how’d you two meet?” There’s always a story, but the general ways people meet are usually similar. Here are the most common.
This is a 24-hour snapshot for a day in the life of Americans.
As expected, this time, the Golden State Warriors won the …
So people earn a six-figure income without working all the time. What do they do?
Terrible use of colors but otherwise a VERY important data set.
Very important if you want to *write* the word for beer… But certainly a map idea whose time has come
That’s all we need to know about linguistics, right there. :)