How a Virus Changes the World

From Take Part, a short video on how a virus spreads and its possible global effects. Apparently one million deaths could be prevented every year if people would just wash their hands regularly. Too bad there’s that temporary allergy to soap and water people get after doing their business in public restrooms.

[via Brain Pickings]


  • Most of the content was common sense or jocular. I did not learn anything.

  • Or those people who sneeze or cough into their hands. C’mon people! It’s called a hankie (or tissue)! Or the inside of your elbow at the very least!

  • upe vantonni June 2, 2012 at 6:13 am

    Anyone else notice the graphic for the virus (squggley lines in a ball) looks just like the infected people in the old game “Agent USA”

  • I’ll have to see where their flu vaccine advice comes from. I believe in getting vaccinated from the majority of the big diseases, but what of our immune systems. Is the flu capable of compromising the middle of the age curve significantly?