Visualize This: Published

Right now, at this very moment, I have an actual physical book on my desk, with my name on it, that says Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics. It’s a great feeling. Thank you again to all of you for making this possible and for sharing with me your love of data. Simply put, this book doesn’t exist without you, and I’m super grateful for all of your support. I hope Visualize This finds its way onto many others’ desks everywhere.

Visualize This covers a variety of tools and different data types, and at its core it teaches you how to find and tell stories with data. With the help of the talented Nigel Upchurch, we explain with a short video.

In case you missed them, here are my updates on the book along the way:

  1. FlowingData book in the works
  2. From my editor
  3. Brainstorming book ideas
  4. Preview

The process was way more fun than I thought it was going to be. My main concern was that because Wiley is such a big company that I might get lost, but I always felt well-taken care of and listened to. So a big thank you to them for getting this book produced and my technical editor Kim Rees from Periscopic who made sure I kept my act together.

Get it now at the major booksellers, including: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Wiley. Awesomeness.