Yeah, you know what day it is. What category do you fall under? [fixedgear via macdiva]
I”m just a drunk in a fedora (ok, well, bowler/derby) hat. Where do I belong?
i think it makes you a drunk in a fedora.
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You’ve probably heard the lines about how “40 is the new 30” or “30 is the new 20.” What is this based on? I tried to solve the problem using life expectancy data. Your age is the new age.
A few years ago I downloaded speed dating data from …
A simulation to estimate how long until you are seated at a restaurant.
Some people never get married, and some wait longer than others. Let’s look at these people.
I”m just a drunk in a fedora (ok, well, bowler/derby) hat. Where do I belong?
i think it makes you a drunk in a fedora.