People from lots of different fields have emailed me during the course of FlowingData, and I continue to be surprised by the wide reader diversity. So naturally, I’m interested to know what fields all of you study or work in. If you select the Other option, please do leave your “other field” in the comments, or if you are some mix of everything, I’d be interested to hear about that too.
I love how Statistics is the first choice LOL. A psychometrician would argue that the answer choices should be ordered alphabetically, or at random. Kidding ;-)
Web Analytics
The results (so far) are very interesting. I was surprised. :-)
Web Analytics
The results (so far) are very interesting. I was surprised. :-)
I’m an information designer. I picked design, thank goodness, because I don’t actually have to create the statistics or do the math or study economics, just chart the answers!
Studying Information Science, working as a sysadmin for
Studying Information Science, working as a sysadmin for
Studying Information Science, working as a sysadmin for
Human-Computer Interaction, hard to fit that into any of your categories!
Human-Computer Interaction, hard to fit that into any of your categories!
Mechanical Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering.
Electrical engineering with a strong interest in data visualization
Electrical engineering with a strong interest in data visualization
Electrical engineering with a strong interest in data visualization
Philosophy Undergrad
Information Science
Information Science
Electrical engineering, but also dealing a lot with risk
Social Research
Statistical/ Mathematical Modeling with strong interest in Data Visualisation techniques
I guess if we an ‘other’ category we put out area in the comments? Me? Manufacturing (industrial) engineering mainly and a part time PhD in engineering management/statistics (SEM).
Business Analytics
Wow, there are a lot of different backgrounds…
Other > business intelligence (information visualization)
biologist (molecular/computational)
Business Intelligence
Media studies.
Media studies.
Media studies.
Other: I’m a travel writer and photographer.
Other: I’m a travel writer and photographer.
Other: I’m a travel writer and photographer.
Research project manager – I hire writers, statisticians, interviewers, designers and others on a project-by-project basis. We produce research papers designed to raise the profile of big companies – “thought leadership” – kind of corporate image advertising, but with substance, and aimed at leaders in business and government.
Marketing, is there anything else?
I mainly do SEM work (and a little SEO).
Consulting – Financial Data Analysis
I’m a librarian.
Like Chris, above, I am a marketer. Being able to show your clients exactly how their page is failing through use of analytics and well-presented data is crucial when you’re an independant consultant who has to prove his value. :D
Like Chris, above, I am a marketer. Being able to show your clients exactly how their page is failing through use of analytics and well-presented data is crucial when you’re an independant consultant who has to prove his value. :D
Crosscutting data analysis
Crosscutting data analysis
Computer Science and New Media!
Computer Science and New Media!
financial services – investment research
financial services – investment research
Resource Planning for a Utility – so a healthy combination of Engineering, Economics, & Finance
Resource Planning for a Utility – so a healthy combination of Engineering, Economics, & Finance
Computer Engineering
Institutional Research – aka Higher Education data analysis and reporting.
Institutional Research – aka Higher Education data analysis and reporting.
Web Analytics
Web Analytics
Other: Instructional Design (i.e. designing the educational content for interactive learning)
Other: Instructional Design (i.e. designing the educational content for interactive learning)
I am a project manager working on project controls.
I am a project manager working on project controls.
I’m a school psychologist, so I spend some of my time with student and education-related data.
I was a student in an information visualization class this semester and learned about you from my professor.
I’m a school psychologist, so I spend some of my time with student and education-related data.
I was a student in an information visualization class this semester and learned about you from my professor.
sorry, wrong email in my last comment.
sorry, wrong email in my last comment.