Walker Tracker – A Community Site for Pedometer Fans

Those of you who have been around since the beginning know that I am just obsessed with my pedometer. Albeit, lately, I haven’t felt inclined to go for a winter stroll in the below freezing weather. When I was keeping track of my steps though, one of the difficulties was staying consistent. Sometimes I would forget to wear my pedometer, while other times I would forget to record my steps.

I imagine Walker Tracker could help a bit in solving that second problem. I know it was always easier to make it to the gym when I knew one of my friends was going to meet me there. Walker Tracker is like that friend at the gym. The site lets you keep track of your steps as well as see how others are doing.

We’re trying to change the world. We’re trying to get you and us and everyone we know off the elevator and out of the car and onto the sidewalks and trails. We’re doing it one step at a time.
Get up, stand up and walk.

OK, maybe it’s a little hoorah, but if you feel like actually accomplishing a new year’s resolution this year, Walker Tracker could be a good place to start.

[via Web Worker Daily]


  • I am out of my element, but don’t they (Nike) have sneakers (tennis shoes) that have a chip inside to track steps? Maybe it’s distance instead of steps??? If they do, then you would never forget to wear shoes…

    Anything that will promote exercise is a good thing.

  • I am out of my element, but don’t they (Nike) have sneakers (tennis shoes) that have a chip inside to track steps? Maybe it’s distance instead of steps??? If they do, then you would never forget to wear shoes…

    Anything that will promote exercise is a good thing.