What planets would look like if they replaced our moon

Artist Brad Goodspeed imagined what the planets would look like if they were to orbit Earth, in place of the moon. His math is iffy, but the video is fun to watch.

[via kottke | Thanks, Thomas]


  • Should I be worried that this depiction shows the Earth spinning the wrong way?
    Agreed, it’s pretty to look at, but the Earth’s reverse rotation actually caused me to stop the video (“Wait. Is that spinning the wrong way?”) to go back and watch that part more carefully. Kind of ruins the overall effect.
    I’d also question the use of radius over diameter, since it’s the diameter that best correlates to the visual presence of a full moon/Neptune/Jupiter in the sky.
    But then again, I can’t even draw a stick figure, so as long as this isn’t used for science instruction, then I suppose it’s a nice thought exercise. :-)