Patterns of daily life in Netherlands from Above

In a similar fashion to their work in Britain from Above, CGI and animation group 422 South map the daily patterns of those in the Netherlands in VPRO’s production of Netherlands from Above. It’s hard to get a grasp on what exactly I’m seeing, since I know next to nothing about the Netherlands and the video narration is in Dutch, but the visuals are beautiful. Planes fly, cars drive, and patterns emerge. The technique never seems to lose its entertainment value.

Check out the short making-of video, too, which also includes folks from Stamen describing their work with the interactive portion of the feature.

[422 South | Thanks, Ben]


  • Hello from NL!

    There isn’t a lot to grasp. Basically just the visuals: flights taking off, landing and flying over the Netherlands. Main factual information given: most of the airtraffic is around AMS (Amsterdam Schiphol), our main airport. Not a surprise I’d say. Over 30k flights a week pass over, land or take off in The Netherlands. On a busy day in july over 170k passengers take-off and/or land from Schiphol.

    I have no idea about context (facts from different airports), but Schiphol is known to be an important European hub for airtravel.

    The series, Nederland van Boven, is a true joy of visualizations. From transport to phonedata to deer in one of our national parks.

  • The video seems to be focussed on transportation by plains: Eurocontrol is the european aviation traffic control organization… I guess the moving points on their screens are plains in the european sky

  • For what it’s worth, the English translation:

    The space above our country. No falling stars, but nightly air traffic. Beek, Limburg, from here all the air traffic above the Benelux and a big part of Germany is controlled. Jimmy is in control of the Dutch air traffic.

    – The busiest days have about 5000 flights a day
    – What we handle in a year, to give an impression, is about 1.5 million flights
    – The biggest junction is actually here above the centre of the Netherlands, near Schiphol. There we have the waypoint Pampus. I can click on it. It’s states here, waypoint Pampus. It’s a waypoint near Muiden, and we’ve got another waypoint called Spijkerboor which is located in Noord-Holland. Those are the two most important waypoints in the air traffic above the Netherlands, which connects pretty much all the air-streets above the Netherlands. And from that waypoint, you can actually turn 5 ways: the east, the north, the south, the southwest, and the northwest.

    24 Hours of air traffic. Nearly 5000 flights. A quarter of which will actually land at Schiphol. The others just pass over. One of the busiest days in July. 171000 passengers travel through our airport. Virtual airjunctions at great heights. One week of air traffic. More than 31000 flights. No place above our country, where there has been no air traffic.

  • is there any tutorial on how to create this kind of transportation animation?
    I think they use Processing