MacGyver recipe book – All 7 seasons of diversions and mischief

Oh. My. God. Fathom Information Design compiles every recipe from the show MacGyver:

Have you ever wondered in how many different episodes MacGyver has made an arc welder (answer: 3 times in episodes 6, 52, and 87)? Or perhaps you forgot about your favorite episode (season 1, episode 12) when Mac escapes via a casket that transforms into a jetski. And how many times has Mac made a diversion? In order to placate all of your MacGyver-related curiosities, we offer you MacRecipes.

There is a column for each episode, and each square represents a recipe for how to get out of trouble. Want to make a parasail? Just get a wind tunnel fan, wire, and tent material. Need to create a diversion to get out of a bind? Matches and rum. You can also browse recipes by ingredient, such as those that use rope or a paper clip.

I loved MacGyver growing up. His mullet holds a special place in my heart where all you need is imagination and some know-how to get you to where you need to go. I was one of the many to start wielding a trusty Swiss Army knife that my parents got me. I still have it, actually. Still useful. The whole series is on Netflix Instant in case you’re interested.

[Fathom Information Design via @jeffclark]