World Freedom Atlas

World Freedom Atlas is an online geo-visualization tool that shows a number of freedom indicators so to speak. For example, you can map by a number of indexes such as raw political rights score, civil liberties, political imprisonment, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, or torture. If I’ve counted correctly the data comes from 42 datasets divided into three categories:

  1. What It Is
  2. How To Get It
  3. What You Get

What It Is covers data such as political rights and civil liberties while How To Get It is data on government structure and education system. I’m not really sure What You Get is though. There’s GDP and some economic indexes, so it could be something like quality of life. Maybe someone can explain it better?

The mapping and plots are pretty standard, but what stands out is the number of datasets that have been formatted in such a way the user is able to map things quickly and easily. It would be really cool if the data was explained a little better, so that I could “browse” the data a bit more efficiently, and even better, if there were some way to compare indicators against each other. Nevertheless, worth exploring a bit.


  • very cool. the interface is pretty intuitive as well. i like to see flash becoming more low impact.

  • Dave Williams April 24, 2008 at 4:26 pm

    Simple, powerful and scary. Especially useful to see your own weighting of factors rather than some source with an agenda. Should be the bacdrop for every international news story on TV and every civics class (in the few places that still teach that subject).

  • Hello. There is a way to compare indicators, though admittedly it’s not that obvious or intuitive. Switch to a bivariate view by hitting “bi” on the toolbar above the histogram. This switches to a bivariate choropleth with other options and mouseovers.