Charting the Decade

Did we all see this? Phillip Niemeyer of Double Triple pictures the past ten years in this Op-Chart for The New York Times. Each row is a theme, and each column represents a year. For example, the champion rep for 2007 is Tiger Woods or collagen as the fad of 2002. Oh how times change.

Have a happy new year everyone. Be safe.

[via WeLoveDataVis]


  • I think the symbol used for ‘China’ here refers to a ‘yuan’, which is a unit of measuring the Chinese currency. Unfortunately, the widely used symbol for a Yuan is identical to the one used for a Japanese Yen — a source of considerable confusion.
    So maybe it would be better to use the actual name of the Chinese currency, which is the Renminbi. It does not seem to possible to paste a copy of that symbol in here, but it is easy enough to look up.
    Even better, how about choosing a different approach to signaling the broad and complex developments associated with China’s growing influence. Even using the national symbol or flag would be a more accurate representation than simply reducing a billion-plus people to the Chinese equivalent of a $ sign.