Visualize This: The FlowingData Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics

Learn to data.

FlowingData at 17

Jul 2, 2024

Last week marked 17 years running this small corner of the internet on data visualization. Thank you to FlowingData members, past and present. Thanks for reading. This site doesn’t exist without any of you.

It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long, but it’s also hard to remember when I wasn’t working on FlowingData.

While writing the second edition of Visualize This, I was reminded of how visualization changed over the years. Different tools, different devices, and different datasets. I think about data and visualization differently after more years of making charts.

The scope of visualization is different. It has expanded for the better, beyond quick analysis.

The internet is different. To end FlowingData’s second anniversary, I thanked readers for sending me links via Twitter, Digg, and, which are far from their original forms these days.

Still, working on this site is fun for me. I still enjoy exploring data. Maybe more so than when I was getting started. I still get a kick out of how people creatively process data. I still thank the internet gods that I get do this.

Thanks again.

On to the next year.