15 years

Jun 29, 2022

This past weekend marked 15 years since I first posted on FlowingData. What started as a placeholder for class projects, became a hobby, which eventually turned into a career choice.

With each year that passes, running an independent site, on data visualization of all things, seems less common. Many of my favorite data and visualization sites from years past are dead links now or are frozen in time.

It’s for a good reason though: There are a lot of opportunities these days for people who know how to visualize data. The field is more established than it was 15 years ago.

So, sometimes it feels weird out here in my little corner of the internet. But I’m glad that I’ve been able to do this for this long and still get to do it, all while enjoying the process. I get to see things develop and be a part of the growth, in my own quiet, introverted way.

Thank you for reading. Thank you to past and present members who support FlowingData. Not a member? Check out the perks for keeping this fully member-supported site flowing.

Alright, back to the data. Some fun things are headed down the pipeline.