From Reddit user ddurrr while visiting London. Pretty much my current status and mental capacity. [Thanks, Tom]
As can be seen in the background, they are also using the pomodoro technique.
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There’s big money in wizarding worlds, galaxies far away, and various time-shifted universes. Let’s take a stroll through the billions of dollars earned by franchises over the years.
For various occupations, the difference between the person who makes the most and the one who makes the least can be significant.
As of September 2018, there were 892 million comments for the year so far, spread out over 355,939 subreddits. Here’s how it got to this point, and “what the internet has been talking about” during the past 12 years.
Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots and lots and lots. Rest. Then …
As can be seen in the background, they are also using the pomodoro technique.