From illustrator Stephen Wildish: the pancake venn diagram. Is it Friday yet? [via]
Haha. It’s so simple…yet awesome. Kind of like pancakes…hm…
People put milk in omelettes? News to me. Interesting!
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I combed through personal data that I’ve actively and passively collected since early graduate school to see how life is different now with a 6-month old.
Minimum wage has increased over the years, but by how much depends on where you live.
One person’s long commute is another’s dream. Another person’s normal might be someone else’s nightmare. What counts as a long commute depends on where you live.
Happy Friday, everyone. If you’ll allow me, I’d like to …
Haha. It’s so simple…yet awesome. Kind of like pancakes…hm…
People put milk in omelettes? News to me. Interesting!