Stop global warming. Decrease the National Science Foundation’s R&D budget. It’s so easy. More lessons on correlation and causation found here.
Causation is real, people

Stop global warming. Decrease the National Science Foundation’s R&D budget. It’s so easy. More lessons on correlation and causation found here.
Nathan, I have enough trouble getting funding. Don’t make my job harder for me! lol
Too bad they didn’t dig deeper… the titles are great, but the correlations aren’t. The second (climate & NSF funding) might be best, but they should have put their origin for temp a little lower so that it (like NSF funding) started above the x-axis.
This is an old game… are there any really awesome examples out there where the data really does seem to suggest causation, though on closer examination causation is implausible?
(I do like the mountain range though… that’s a clearly causal relationship.)