xkcd geekdom for your slow Monday afternoon. Can you imagine being with someone who doesn’t label axes? Outrageous. [xkcd]
Of course, now I’m stuck with the mental image of hatchets, splitting wedges, and axes all neatly labeled with a little dymo style tag.
Serves her right, huh? Maybe she is so smart and did it on purpose to ensure that if the data didn’t achieve the objective, the formatting does!?
BTW, no axis labels is a sin I equate with another (more often seen) sin–blank subject email.
Way to spoil the punchline. :-(
My sincerest apologies, Mr. King.
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Unemployment has hit some industries more than others. Here’s how the most recent estimates compare against last year’s.
In English, there’s an idiom that notes confusion: “It’s all Greek to me.” Other languages have similar sayings, but they don’t use Greek as their point of confusion.
Here’s a chart to show you how long you have until you start to feel your age.
Separately, we looked at marrying age, divorce rates, and those who never married. Now let’s look at marital status all together, with the addition of the widowed status.
Of course, now I’m stuck with the mental image of hatchets, splitting wedges, and axes all neatly labeled with a little dymo style tag.
Serves her right, huh? Maybe she is so smart and did it on purpose to ensure that if the data didn’t achieve the objective, the formatting does!?
BTW, no axis labels is a sin I equate with another (more often seen) sin–blank subject email.
Way to spoil the punchline. :-(
My sincerest apologies, Mr. King.