SolarBeat is an audiolization by Whitevinyl that makes music with the planets. Each planet is assigned a note. As the planets orbit, a note is played each time a year passes on that planet. Result: the planets make sweet, sweet music together.
[via Information is Beautiful | Thanks, John]
not to be a pain, but planets travel in Ellipses, some quite elongated and Pluto actually crosses inside Neptunes ellipse during certain intervals.
just sayin.
And, ahem, what about the dwarf planets?
Pickers of nits.
it’d be neat if you could kick it off with an actual alignment, rather than instead of starting them off in a straight line
dwarf planets could be minors or ninths or something…
I’d be interested to hear what it would sound like if the pitch of each planet were based somehow on the planet’s actual distance from the Sun at the point it crosses the line.
But as it is, very cool!
Note also that there are 10 planets on this thing.
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I made a replica in Excel. It’s actually pretty cool. It’s an animated chart with MIDI for the sounds. I just did the 8 real planets and left off the 2 planetoids. I called mine solarsong:
Daniel Ferry
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