Contrary to what a lot people might think they know from the movies, the X-Men universe stretches out quite a ways with lots of characters and lots of relationships. This super detailed relationship map for all X-Men characters from UncannyXmen shows just that.
Connections are color-coded to show the type of relationship between a pair of characters. For example, green is a one-sided infatuation, pink is a flirtation by both parties, and a dashed line signifies one of the characters is from an alternative reality. Wolverine sure gets around.
[via VizWorld]
Link is broken?
Correct link seems to be:
Thanks, Ben. Fixed.
Love it! Thanks!
This would be much more informative with a force-directed layout, but still very cool.
I think the big takeaway of this visual is that Wolverine gets around.
my favorite is wolverine + rose wu
Hahaha I didn’t see that one. Gotta wonder whether it was a date / kiss / one night stand (?)
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We did something like that, but with Lost