Flowchart: Connections in Stephen King novels

There are various connections between Stephen King novels. Gillian James puts them in a flowchart.


  • Sadly, this means someone actually sat down and read all of Stephen King’s novels. Sure, the Stand was good but “The Dome”? :>)

  • strange that this chart is missing perhaps the [best] King novel with the most connections: the Dark Tower

  • Cecil T King III July 31, 2012 at 9:54 pm

    To many links for dark tower, I am surprised Christine is not on the list. The white over red color of Christine is not a factory color for the 58 furry yet a car fitting the same description shows up in both “IT” and 11/22/63 not sure if she shows up in others but in those two she is connected to evil people.

  • There is an updated version of the flowchart on my blog (which incudes Christine :-)) And a super dooper update coming soon which will include all Dark Tower connections (i hope!!)
    Cheers, Gillian James (creator of this Flowchart)

  • There is an updated version of the flowchart on my blog (which includes Christine :-)) And a super dooper update coming soon which will include all Dark Tower connections (i hope!!)
    Cheers, Gillian James (creator of this Flowchart)