Through high school and sometimes beyond we’re taught history as absolute fact. It’s in the books so it happened. A lot of it is true, but there are often disagreements, as history can look different depending on your point of view. In The Iraq War: A Historiography of Wikipedia Changelogs, James Bridle places 12,000 changes and almost 7,000 pages for the corresponding Wikipedia entry in book form. Sometimes history isn’t so straightforward. [booktwo]
History of the Iraq War through Wikipedia edits

It seems to me that someone doesn’t know how to count in Roman numbers.
Besides: great idea!
No, that was just the most recent one that needed editing
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Depends on your version of Roman numerals.
This is the type of thing that will be healthy for future reevaluation of the times. We won’t just look back and see “This is what happened and why.”, but we’ll instead have a multidimensional representation of differing opinions and explanations, and data on how those opinions changed over time.
Whoever thought that sometimes history isn’t so straightforward ? History = fact ???