Are You a Freelance Data Visualization Designer/Consultant?

I frequently get requests or propositions for data visualization projects, but I almost always have to turn them down – not because they’re not worth my while, but because I’ve made a conscious decision to try really hard to finish my PhD. To that end, I always wish there was a list or resource that I could at least refer people to for their data visualization needs. I know of a few freelancers, but I’m positive there are many others. If you do visualization freelance (that includes BI, infographics, maps, graphs, charts, etc), post to this thread in the FlowingData forums (NOT this post), and hopefully, I can get a list going that I can point potential clients to.


  • Wow, that would be clutch. Lord knows I’ve harassed designers of cool projects at random, hoping to find someone for a project. I’ll be checking that thread.

  • @Bill – Hehe, yeah, that’s been my feeling. Hopefully this list helps and maybe highlight some good work in the process. It looks like we’ve got a decent list going in the forums.

  • Rick Koehler April 28, 2013 at 9:24 pm

    I specialize in data visualization of environmental data, especially time-series data.
    My dissertation is titled “Raster Based Analysis and Visualization of Hydrologic Time-Series”

    Please pass interested parties my way.