Navigate Articles, Photos, and Video from Around the Globe

The Washington Post recently put up TimeSpace: World, which is an interactive map that shows articles, video, photos, and commentary as they happen around the world (through the Washington Post’s eyes). Similar to Trulia Snapshot, by Stamen Design, news items are arranged with a force-directed graph and can be filtered by time with a timeline at the bottom. Adjust time range to find news stories from a given time of day. You get a breakdown of number of images, articles, etc. Photos seem to dominate. Here is the embedded version (which seems a little buggy):

One thing that I really liked about Trulia Snapshot, which isn’t included as a part of TimeSpace: World is a play button. It’d be like watching the news unfold over time – or even better, make TimeSpace self-updating. Maybe in the next iteration.

[Thanks, Steven]