“Do or do not. There is no try.” — Yoda [via]
It’s not clear that the proportions should be 50/50. Yoda strikes me as more of a “Do” guy. Maybe 80/20?
Much wisdom in this pie chart, there is.
Learned well, you have.
I’m trying to decide how much the chart is improved by graphic design. Graphjam’s built in template has ugly default options.
now, those are two of my favorite philosophers :)
Thats no pie chart, Thats a NY black and white cookie.
Overlap of do and do not, is there not?
LUV THIS!!! There is not try – just do it!
Shouldn’t that be green and white?
But nice try.
Ken you missed the point. There IS NO TRY, NICE OR OTHERWISE! *CHUCKLE*
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Your age versus how much you worry.
The most common causes of death changed over the years. They vary across sex and age group. This animation shows the details of these changes.
For every family get-together I go to, it seems there are more kids running around. I know that they are related to me somehow, but what do I call them? Maybe this chart will help next time.
I wondered how common it is for someone to get a divorce. While I’ve touched on the topic before, I’ve never calculated it directly, so I gave it a go.
It’s not clear that the proportions should be 50/50. Yoda strikes me as more of a “Do” guy. Maybe 80/20?
Much wisdom in this pie chart, there is.
Learned well, you have.
I’m trying to decide how much the chart is improved by graphic design. Graphjam’s built in template has ugly default options.
now, those are two of my favorite philosophers :)
Thats no pie chart, Thats a NY black and white cookie.
Overlap of do and do not, is there not?
LUV THIS!!! There is not try – just do it!
Shouldn’t that be green and white?
But nice try.
Ken you missed the point. There IS NO TRY, NICE OR OTHERWISE! *CHUCKLE*