Average color of NYC skies, every five minutes

The color of the sky changes through the day and into the night and there are subtle differences every day with clouds, pollution, etc. Mike Bodge use this idea in N SKY C, a project with a simple concept. Take a picture with a webcam of the New York City sky every five minutes, take the average color, and post it to the site. N SKY C is the result. Roll over grids to see the picture that was taken.

I think someone did this a while back, but the project and artist names escape me. He or she used a smaller grid so that you could see more at once. I think I’d like that format better for this project, too, but still kinda fun.

There’s a cyan-colored section around the middle. Either the webcam was having color adjustment issues or NYC went into dreamscape mode. Not sure which.

[N SKY C | Thanks, Doug]